Saturday, March 29, 2008


I have thought about how to describe this last week away from Jamie and Natalie, but I can't figure out how to put it into words. During the last week, Natalie has been sick and that just makes the whole experience harder. She has developed another ear infection, had a fever as high as 103.5, and has not been sleeping very good at all. All that adds up to very little sleep for Jamie, who is already tired from being pregnant. the best way I can describe my experience of all this is that it makes me feel so helpless and powerless. I know that the people I love the most in all the world are suffering physically and emotionally and I can't do anything.

I suppose there could be some great lesson in all of this, but right now it is just hard. I just love these two so much!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Yikes!!! I just now found your blog on Dan's site. I thought I had looked at it over and over to see if there was anyone I knew and I just found you and Jamie!!!

Spokane! Yikes I need to catch up with Jamie!! Please tell her hi and that I don't have her email address and would love it.
Oh and Natalie?! Are you kidding me she is incredibly gorgeous!!!